


  • Awano S, Ansai T, Kusaba A, Koshimune S, Yamamoto E, Koseki T and Takehara T: Levels of interleukin-8 and nitrate in the saliva of patients with periodontitis. Dentistry in Japan 38 : 89-91, 2002.
  • Akifusa S, Ansai T, Yu W, Wachi M, Nagai K and Takehara T: Characterization of the Porphyromonas gingivalis FtsZ containing a novel GTPase activity. Curr. Microbiol. 44 : 267-272, 2002.
  • Yamakawa M, Ansai T, Kasai S, Ohmaru T, Takeuchi H, Kawaguchi T and Takehara T: Dentition status and temporomandibular joint disorders in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. CRANIO 20(3) : 165-171, 2002.
  • Ansai T, Yamamoto E, Awano S, Yu W, Turner AJ and Takehara T: Effects of periodontopathic bacteria on the expression of endothelin-1 in gingival epithelial cells in adult periodontitis. Clin. Sci (Lond). 103 : 327S-331S, 2002.
  • Carson JA, Ansai T, Awano S, Yu W, Takehara T and Turner AJ: Characterization of PgPepO. A bacterial homologue of endothelin-converting enzyme-1. Clin. Sci (Lond). 103 : 90S-93S, 2002.
  • Awano S, Gohara K, Kurihara E, Ansai T and Takehara T : The relationship between presence of periodontopathogenic bacteria in saliva and halitosis. Int. Dent. J. 52 : 212-216, 2002.
  • Yu W, Ansai T, Akifusa S and Takehara T: A conserved Ala320 in the FtsZ of Porphyromonas gingivalis is important for cell division. Curr. Microbiol. 45(5) : 355-361, 2002.
  • Kusaba A, Ansai T, Akifusa S, Nakahigashi K, Taketani S, Inokuchi H and Takehara T: Cloning and expression of a Porphyromonas gingivalis gene for protoporphyrinogen oxidase by complementation of a hemG mutant of Escherichia coli. Oral Microbiol. Immunol. 17 : 290-295, 2002.
  • 中島健、安細敏弘、草場暁登、越宗紳二郎、竹原直道:カリエスリスク検査に基づいた学校歯科保健活動の実践と成果.口腔衛生会誌 52 : 196-202, 2002.
  • 弘中美貴子、邵仁浩、秋房住郎、粟野秀慈、安細敏弘: 熊本市で行った「歯たちの健診」の結果と歯科保健指導実施の必要性.九州歯会誌 56 : 162-165, 2002.
  • Hirota S, Takahama U, Ansai T and Yoshitama K: Oxidation of quercetin by salivary components II. Effects of quercetin on reactive oxygen metabolism by salivary polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Food Sci. Technol. Res. 8 : 276-280, 2002.
  • Ansai T, Chen X, Barik S and Takehara T: Conserved proline residues near the N-terminus are important for enzymatic activity of class A bacterial acid phosphatases. Arch. Biochem. Biophysic. 408 : 144-146, 2002.
  • Amarasena HND, Ikeda N, Yamaguchi Y, So PK, Win KKS, Takehara T and Miyazaki H: Periodontal status of rural inhabitants in Prek Russey, Cambodia. Asia Pac. J. Public Health 14 : 105-109, 2002.




  • 安細敏弘、粟野秀慈: 唾液分泌低下のメカニズムと臨床的対応;安静時唾液と口臭の関係 歯界展望 100(2) : 398-400, 2002.
  • 小関健由、郷原賢次郎: 曳糸性測定器 歯界展望 100(2) : 404-405, 2002.
  • 安細敏弘、冨永和宏、高橋哲:ドライマウスと口腔ケア 九州歯会誌 56 : 247-250, 2002.
  • 高田豊、安細敏弘、粟野秀慈、松村潔、竹原直道:80歳高齢者における20本以上の残存歯数維持と義歯使用が心電図異常所見を減少させる パンフレット「8020」疫学調査データに見る口腔と全身との関係.財団法人8020推進財団、東京, 16-19, 2002.
  • 栗原えりこ: 分光蛍光光度計を利用して 九州歯科大学中央研究室年報 20 : 3, 2002.
  • 安細敏弘:「8020運動で健康づくり -8020データバンク調査から」 北九州市情報誌「アシスト」 7 : 9-10, 2002.



  • 「舌苔除去用チップ及びこれを用いた舌苔除去用ハンドピース」 特許出願中(平成14年10月11日、特許願2002年第298278号).